Aims & Objectives

Faith in Europe

Faith in Europe is an educational charity. Its aim is to brief its member representatives of British Churches and the wider public on political, social, and cultural issues across Europe, from faith perspectives. It is a Body in Association with CTBI (Churches Together in Britain and Ireland). Its registered Charity Number is 1059018.

Faith in Europe evolved out of several previous organisations in the geopolitical and faith context of the post-Second World War period, with origins dating back to 1961. The contribution of Faith in Europe to discussion, analysis and scholarship on the interplay of religion and the political and economic environment has been unique and of lasting value. Faith in Europe continues to offer a public programme for learning and debate that reflects the concerns of today and anticipates the concerns of tomorrow.


  1. to promote religious harmony and collaboration between different religious traditions within the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe.
  2. to help Christian institutions in Britain and Ireland to develop relationships with both religious and secular institutions in other parts of Europe, for mutual practical and spiritual benefit in the context of common challenges which threaten human rights, such as inequality, climate crisis, conflict and threats to religious freedom.
  3. to promote knowledge and research into the theology, religious values, ethics, morals and social mission of European religious institutions and organisations, in order to promote understanding and appreciation of distinctive beliefs and practices for educational and social benefit.


  • to convene an ecumenical management committee who actively collaborate towards the Associations aims.
  • to promote contacts, receive visitors, organise visits, and brief and debrief delegations;
  • to encourage informed discussion by means of regular meetings and seminars;
  • to produce media including online publications, to promote the exchange of information;
  • to maintain close contact with British, European and world organisations whose concerns overlap with those of the Association.