Future Briefing Meetings

Briefing Meetings take place four times a year.
We usually have one or two invited speakers to introduce a specific topic of current concern, followed by questions, breakout discussions and contributions from members. Briefings are well prepared presentations that explore topics at considerable depth.

Meetings take place on ZOOM. Use the link to register below.

Forthcoming Meetings

Tuesday 18 February 2025 (Online)

2.00pm UK / 3.00pm CET

Duration approximately 2 hrs ,


REGISTER HERE (FREE) https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/faithineurope/the-church-the-far-right-and-the-claim-to-christianity/2025-01-14/10:00/t-jznzana

How can we understand the ways in which the Far Right in Europe and elsewhere in the world claims an adherence to Christianity? We will look at a recent important book which addresses this: ‘The Church, the Far Right and the Claim to Christianity’ available here: https://scmpress.hymnsam.co.uk/books/9780334065494/-the-church-the-far-right-and-the-claim-to-christianity

Speakers will include one of the book’s authors Dr Maria Power.

Dr Maria Power is a Fellow of Blackfriars Hall where she a Senior Research Fellow in Human Dignity at the Las Casas Institute for Social Justice.  In December 2019, she was appointed as a Research Associate of the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence at Bristol Baptist College, and in June 2019, she was a Holland Visiting Fellow at the University of Durham. Maria is also a honourary Senior Research Fellow at the William Temple Foundation as well as being a Visiting Fellow at the Benedict XVI Centre for Religion and Society at St Mary’s University.  She is the Book Reviews Editor for the Journal for the Study of Bible and Violence, and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Social Encounters. 

We hope you will be able to join us. Following the presentation there may be both breakout discussions and a plenary Q&A. You will be sent a ZOOM link to join a week prior. Please note that Briefings are recorded so you may appear on a video on youtube and our website.

As usual after the presentations by our speakers there will be time for responses, questions and contributions from members;