Moderator -Rev. Dr Ashley Beck
St Mary’s University. Appointed representative of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of England and Wales. Ashley’s expertise includes Catholic Social doctrine and Europe, 20th century Church history, Ecclesiology, political theology and the theologies of Liberation, Catholic teaching about war and peace. He has served as Reviews editor and Editorial Board member of The Pastoral Review since 2014.

Treasurer – Ruth McConkey
Senior Programmes, Strategy and Governance Manager within the economics team at The Health Foundation.
Management Committee:
Dr Charles Reed – appointed representative of Church of England. Responsible for overseeing the Church of England’s strategic and corporate responses across a wide portfolio of policy areas including foreign policy, international development, defence and security and European affairs. He is a member of the Governing Board of the Conference of European Churches.
Dr Ben Ryan – Executive Director: Engagement and Strategic Development at Medaille Trust (Catholic charity supporting victims of modern slavery). Former appointed representative of Church of England to Faith in Europe. Former Home Affairs Adviser of the Church of England. And former Head of Research of Theos Think Tank.
Rev. Dr Matthew Ross LLB BD MTh FSASco -(non-representative). Researcher at the University of Glasgow. Minister of the Church of Scotland. Former Programme Executive for Diakonia and Capacity Building, World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland, 2018-2023.
Former Officers

Grace Davie

General Secretary – Rebecca Bellamy
Rebecca’s main work is as Peacebuilding Coordinator for Quakers in Britain as well as her role as Executive Secretary to the European Council of Religious Leaders – Religions for Peace. Previous to this she worked for eight years for the Centre of Religion Reconciliation and Peace at the University of Winchester and six years managing a Muslim and Jewish dialogue charity.
Get in touch with us: generalsecretary@faithineurope.org.uk
Rev. Dr Keith Archer – former Anglican Vicar of Salford 1993- 2010 and Diocesan Officer for Europe 1991-2010. Author. Many years active in organising UK-Germany church exchanges/visits.
Rev. Andrew Bowden – appointed representative of the Churches European Rural Network. Author on Rural Society, Farming and the Rural Church.
Keith Jenkins – former General Secretary of the European Ecumenical Commission for Church and Society (EECCS). Associate General Secretary of CEC and Director of its Church and Society Commission 1999-2002.
Dorothy Knights – appointed representative of the Ecumenical Forum for European Christian Women (former co-President) and Coordinator for England. Local coordinator for the Anglican Mothers’ Union.
Andy Dye – appointed representative of Methodist Church of Great Britain. Global Relationships Programme Team Leader for The Methodist Church Connexional Team.
Jacob Oakes – appointed representative of Bishop’s Conference of England and Wales. Policy analyst and researcher on international affairs and migration for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.

David Thomas

John Arnold

Keith Jenkins

Philip Walters
General Secretary