Future Meetings

Briefing Meetings take place four times a year.
We usually have one or two invited speakers to introduce a specific topic of current concern, followed by questions, breakout discussions and contributions from members. Briefings are well prepared presentations that explore topics at considerable depth.

In 2022 we introduced Panel Sessions, which are shorter meetings that convene practitioners and academics for very short contributions and plenary discussions on topics of immediate concern in rapidly changing contexts.

Meetings take place on ZOOM. Use the link to register below.

Forthcoming Meetings

Tuesday 5th March 2024 (Online)

2.00pm UK / 3.00pm CET

Duration approximately 2 hrs to include presentations, breakout discussion groups and a plenary Q&A


Tuesday 5th March 2024 2pm UK / 3pm CET

We will be welcoming Professor Anthony Reddie, Professor of Black Theology and Director of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture, Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford.

Anthony’s research Interest has been the interface between Black theology and decolonial/transformative education. He is the author of numerous books, articles, and book chapters. Anthony is rooted in the Methodist tradition both as a scholar and a Methodist Local Preacher.

His most recent book, Deconstructing Whiteness, Empire and Mission (SCM Press, 2023), explores Christian Mission and its history, and the ways in which this legacy has unleashed notions of White supremacy, systemic racism and global capitalism on the world. Contributors to the book reflect on the past and consider the future of world mission in an age of renewed understandings of empire and its impact.

Professor Anthony Reddie is a recipient of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s 2020 Lanfranc Award for ‘exceptional and sustained contribution to Black theology In Britain and beyond.’

Register to attend here [link]

We hope you will be able to join us. Following the presentation there shall be both breakout discussions and a plenary Q&A. You will be sent a ZOOM link to join a week prior. Please note that Briefings are recorded so you may appear on a video on youtube and our website.

As usual after the presentations by our speakers there will be time for responses, questions and contributions from members;