27 October 2022 – Faith in Europe Briefing Agriculture and Climate Change – An Orthodox Perspective from Archpriest Dr Daniel BUDA
21st July 2022 – Fidesz (Hungarian Civic Alliance) and its Church relations – Briefing from Rev. Alex Faludy for Faith in Europe presented on the 21 July 2022
5th May 2022 – Briefing from Rev. Dr Ashley Beck, Associate Professor at St. Mary’s University, Twickenham describes Catholic Social Teaching and its relation to European Issues.
In this Panel Session, held on 4 April 2022, a panel of speakers describe How churches are responding to the war in Ukraine. The speakers are Rev. Matthew Ross on the World Council of Churches, Lydia Funck, General Secretary of Church and Peace and Ben Ryan from the Church of England.
In this video, Dr Ruth Deyermond from King’s College, London, describes The position of the Russian Orthodox Church vis à vis the Russian state and its influence of Russian policy. In the July 2021 Faith in Europe Briefing, there is also a response from Professor Vasilios Makrides of the University of Erfurt.
John and Diane Murray and David Blackman describe and comment on the Work of the Council of Europe and then answer questions. This was recorded at the Faith in Europe Briefing Meeting in May 2021.
24 May 2021
Faith in Europe has celebrated Europe Day with worship services in one of London’s cathedrals for several years. This year, because of the pandemic, the service was held online and conducted by members of the Ecumenical Forum of European Christian Women
24 May 2021
In a Faith in Europe Briefing in October 2020 Dr Ruth Deyermond, Senior Lecturer in Post-Soviet Security at King’s College London, suggests that in recent years, conflict with Russia has emerged as one of the greatest threats facing the UK and Europe. The most serious threat of all is to Russia’s neighbours, the states of the former Soviet Union, but these are also problems that the rest of Europe cannot afford to ignore. This talk looks at the current crisis in Belarus; the ongoing conflict in Ukraine; the risk of interference in upcoming elections in Georgia; and the political and security threats posed by Russia to the rest of Europe. It explores the way that all these crises have been shaped by the wider conflict between Russia and the West over ethical issues such as human rights and the Russian government’s identification as the defender of traditional values and Russian Orthodoxy
February 16, 2021