Moderator’s Welcome and Introduction

All meetings will be online through Zoom and webinars in the foreseeable future. Registration details will come out prior to each meeting so keep an eye on our Future Meetings page for more information.
If you would like to get in touch, send us an email to: generalsecretary@faithineurope.org.uk
Faith in Europe is a Body in Association with Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.
Charity No. 1059018
Views and opinions expressed in papers on this website and within our Briefings are not necessarily those of Faith in Europe or its membership, our Briefings create useful spaces for discussion between a range of perspectives. We welcome news, information and comment at generalsecretary@faithineurope.org.uk
Use this e-address to be put on our regular mailing list.
Briefings is an occasional publication (online, email and printed) of presentations given at Briefing meetings.