Other Articles & News
What’s Been Said up to Now?
Report from Four Pre-Meetings
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales
Five Thoughts About Europe
EU Crisis of Purpose, Declining Legitimacy, Rising National Populism
A Vision of Europe
At its Annual Meeting in 2019, Faith in Europe adopted a paper entitled ‘A Vision of Europe’ written by its Research Director, Ken Medhurst. A short version sets out six principles for a European future, which are expanded and exemplified in the full paper.
Continue reading “A Vision of Europe”Six Hopes
The Joint Public Issues Team (Baptist, Methodist and United Reformed Churches working together for peace and justice) told Faith in Europe:
In thinking about future priorities for Europe, we would direct you to the ‘Six Hopes’ for society that the Joint Public Issues Team work with as a framework for shared action:

Ecumenical Forum of European Women – England Forum
The Russian Orthodox Church – Russia and the World
Dr Ruth Deyermond from King’s College, London, describes the relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and the state and its influence on Russian policy. The response to her presentation at the July 2021 Faith in Europe Briefing Meeting was made by Professor Valerios Makrides of Erfurt University. A video of the meeting is on the Briefings Video page.